5🍀 Review Get Lucky by Lila Monroe

Get Lucky by Lila Monroe
I seriously don’t know where to start with this. I enjoyed this book so much.

I’m not one for books where every other chapter flits back and forth through the past and present. But when you’re presented with a sexy romance with a The Hangover twist a bit of time travel is necessary. 
I loved the character of Julia in this. It’s refreshing to read a female character who accepts her own quirks and geekiness but is still presented as relatable. There are constant Dr Who, Sherlock and a plethora of other geek-chic references throughout, Julia is a girl after my own heart. 

This book presented so many trope situations that I was really concerned. There was a lot of “Oh God, no, seriously, how? Why?” And within a paragraph I realised Monroe had flipped it on its head and I was laughing. Monroe put her own unique spin on every situation so you genuinely didn’t know what was going to happen next, because nothing was as it seemed. 

Nate is the consummate asshole. But what I liked was the fact that he came to conclusions about himself in this book organically. There were no contrived come to Jesus moments. It was much more realistic because we followed his thought process through the alternating PoV chapters. 

All in all I adored this book. It was a light, happy, fun read that managed to stay fresh and enjoyable avoiding obvious clichés. 

Lila Monroe has become the newest addition to my 1-click list.